OLKAR ENDÜSTRYEL TAAHHÜT was established at 21th of March,1991,by the people who has succesful background. The businnes quality is growing day by day with the developing technology.
OLKAR ENDÜSTRYEL TAAHHÜT at the first of January,2006 was increased its work capacity and to serve customers a better service, the firm institutionalized as OL-TES LPG BORU TESSAT & TANK & ÇELK KONSTRÜKSYON & NAAT & NAKLYE & GIDA& TURZM SANAY ve TCARET LTD. T. To give more and better service the company has also expanded it machinery capacity.
Our Mission:
Following the technological developments, employing qualified employee and stuff members. Without compromising the quality and safety always working to be the best and always protect our values.
Our Vision:
Our vision is to develop regularly and increase our businnes quality with our experienced and well educated employees. With the highest performance , we would like to do our best.